Global Prayer Summit

" A Healing Among Nations Prayer Retreat & Summit" November 20-23, 1999 Portland, Oregon

By creating a unified vision to release the suffering of the past for each nation of people and to affirm the highest good for all people in our awakening world, an individual and collective healing took place at The Prayer Retreat and Summit . Through prayer, visioning and the telling of one’s story among over thirty of the world’s spiritual leaders, A Healing Among Nations Prayer Retreat and Summit established a potent bedrock foundation for the ensuing process of intercultural healing among people and nations.

The intention invoked a unified spiritual vision for our future projects and now fosters the spiritual dimensions for developing the visual and oral history project. Each participant lead the group in prayer, meditation and ritual, asking for the release of the ancestral suffering through forgiveness requesting the uplifting of humanity and all beings.

In a concentrated effort for two and a half days, each member had hours to address the points of crisis and greatness for their people and nations throughout history. This process assisted in the retrieval and release of the past patterns of fear creating a clearer and more enlightened future. When we as a people, as nations, work towards collectively understanding the past by investigating what happened, it creates a factual record that impedes future distortion or further manipulation of the truth. This potent event was lifechanging for all of us.

We have a primordial need to be universally responsible to one another. This inner knowing that each act of love touches every part of the universe and uplifts all life does indeed evoke the sacred at the core of our lives. Your participation and contribution with other great beings in this work is deeply appreciated.

A Healing Among Nations Prayer Retreat and
Summit Participant List

Shirley Elaine Sims, Spirit Multicultural Music Exchange
Bonnie S. Mansdorf, The Foundation for A Healing Among Nations
Arun and Sunanda Gandhi, M.K. Gandhi Institute
Elaine Steele, Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute.
Catherine Cheshire, Touch the Earth Foundation, Hopi representative
Birgil Kills Straight, Takini Network, Lakota
Chief Arvol Looking Horse
Kurt Kaltreider
Phil Lane, International coordinator,Four Worlds Intl Institute
Phil Lane Senior, Four Worlds Int’l Elders Council
Mrs. Phil Lane Senior, Four Worlds Int’l Elders Council
Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen, Thubten Dhargye Ling, Representative for H.H., The Dalai Lama
Tan Trinh Chan Co and Minh Tran Chan Huy, Maple Village representing the Vietnamese people for Thich Nhat Hahn
Nobu Miyoshi, Japanese Encampment and their children
Chief William Commanda
Romola Treibilcock
Reverend Mary Morrissey, founder of Living Enrichment Institute
Dr. Nosratollah Rassekh, Bahai; of United States
Fumi Johns Stuart, World Peace Prayer Society, Divinity In Project
Rabbi Gottlieb
Rabbi Zaslow
Reverend Betsy Stang
Harold Moses
Michael Stillwater
Tibetan dancers and monks from the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Center

Financial Contributions

Send your tax-deductible contribution of any amount to Fahan, a 501c3 non-profit organization. Your contribution will support the cost of communicating the AHAN message for the Women’s Tour for Global Understanding.

The Foundation for A Healing Among Nations

2683 Via De La Valle, Suite G117, Del Mar, CA 92014

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